This is a great side dish for corned beef on St. Patrick's Day. It is very smooth and rich! The recipe came from my mother-in-law, who is first-generation...
This is a great side dish for corned beef on St. Patrick's Day. It is very smooth and rich! The recipe came from my mother-in-law, who is first-generation...
This is a great side dish for corned beef on St. Patrick's Day. It is very smooth and rich! The recipe came from my mother-in-law, who is first-generation...
Not only is this a delicious alternative to regular mashed potato recipes, but it's a very user-friendly way to serve your potato side dish. They're really...
These are, hands down, the best mashed potatoes I have ever had -- and so very easy to make. You can also use soy milk and non-dairy butter for vegans....
Roasting a head of garlic is easy and brings out that good garlicky flavor. Preparation time is 15 minutes. This recipe is from The WEBB Cooks, articles...
This recipe of hand-mashed red potatoes with skins with a flavor mixture of bacon bits, cheese, and French onion rings could be served as a main dish if...
This recipe of hand-mashed red potatoes with skins with a flavor mixture of bacon bits, cheese, and French onion rings could be served as a main dish if...
This recipe of hand-mashed red potatoes with skins with a flavor mixture of bacon bits, cheese, and French onion rings could be served as a main dish if...
This recipe of hand-mashed red potatoes with skins with a flavor mixture of bacon bits, cheese, and French onion rings could be served as a main dish if...
I had this amazing dish at a lovely Pacific Northwest steakhouse and I knew I had to figure out how to make this special treat. These potatoes were so...
My mother gave me this recipe after looking online for something to suit her taste. This was what she came up with. I usually make this the night before...
This is a unique twist to mashed potatoes. The apple gives the potatoes a new dimension and level of flavor. They were a huge hit with my husband and tasted...
Not only is this a delicious alternative to regular mashed potato recipes, but it's a very user-friendly way to serve your potato side dish. They're really...
Mashed potatoes can be made almost completely ahead. Do nearly everything - boil, peel and mash; stir in milk and salt - up to two days ahead. Before serving,...
The ultimate in comfort food, with a tangy twist. The feta and garlic give these creamy mashed potatoes a uniquely delicious flavor. Garnish with parsley...
Mashed potatoes can be made almost completely ahead. Do nearly everything - boil, peel and mash; stir in milk and salt - up to two days ahead. Before serving,...